Monday, March 30, 2009

join me in this journey

Well, it's official...I'm a blogger. After much consideration I've finally decided that, for better or for worse, I want to put my words in cyberspace. I don't know if anyone will want to read the words I write, or if anyone will care about anything I say, nevertheless, here I am. I'm not starting this lightly or without a purpose. I have some hopes for this whole adventure. As I pour myself into words, I hope to make you think. I hope to make you laugh. I hope to shed a few tears together. I hope to help you see the wonder of an ordinary day in God's extraordinary creation. I hope to help you see the portraits God has painted of Himself all over creation if we'll just take the time to look. I hope to discover with you the joys of an average life lived with Christ at the center. I hope to challenge the masks that we all love to wear (especially the religious ones) that prevent us from becoming everything that God intended us to become. I hope that you will find at least a little strength during the dark times in life that inevitably descend on each of us. I hope to challenge your assumptions about life, about spirituality, and especially about God. I hope that in sharing myself with you that you will be encouraged and maybe even inspired. I hope that God reveals Himself through the simple musings of a very ordinary man.

I make no promises about the quality of my writing and wouldn't be foolhardy enough to expect that everyone will agree with what I have to say (what a boring world that would be). But what I do promise is that what I write will be masks, no pretense, just me. I will exert great effort to be "real" without being "real religious." I promise to be honest even if that honesty, at times, may offend. I will not pretend that I have all the answers. In fact, if you ever meet anyone who claims to know all the answers, my advice is to run away as fast as you can! I don't have God figured out. He is wonderful, fearful, and mysterious. Any God that I could figure out in my minuscule 45 years of existence truly isn't worthy of my worship. A God like that would be far too small to trust with my life. I believe that God is real and He is much bigger than most of us give Him credit for. The longer I live the more I realize how little I really know, how small I really am, and how big He really is. I have no idea where this little "experiment" will go, but I'm inviting you to join me on this journey toward Jesus.