I was driving in my car the other day and my three-year-old daughter, Abby, was with me. We had been in the car for quite a while and I knew we would be picking up my older daughter from school soon, so I thought it would be a good idea to make sure that Abby didn't need a potty break. So, I asked, "Abby, do you need to go potty?" She didn't answer, so I asked again only this time a little more forcefully, "Abby, do you need to go potty?" Again...no answer. This pattern of asking and ignoring went on for a while until Abby finally couldn't stand it anymore. She barely looked up from the toy that had captured her attention and with a certain level of disgust said, "Just drive!"
After I stopped laughing, I began to think about that scenario. I realized that there are many, many times that I don't know what God is up to and I'm full of questions. I begin to storm heaven with a barrage questions: "What are you doing? Why is this happening? How are you going to fix this? Why won't you answer me?"
I think there are times when God looks at me and, like Abby, says, "Just drive!" He tells me to stop worrying about the mysteries of life, the timing of His will, and all my questions about the future, and says, "Just keep moving forward with what I've placed in front of you."
I'm learning how to learn to trust Him with all the uncertainties and unanswered questions of life. The key is to walk in obedience to the things I do know, and stop wasting my time and energy on the things I don't. I have a lot of questions about certain things in my life right now, but instead of worrying about those things, I think I'll just drive.
I don't have a problem with driving, the problem is that I think I want to be the navigator...one day, hopefully soon, I'll figure out that it's just not working. Good word!