We have all had those moments when life was easy and full of joy. We have also experienced episodes when life brought burdens that seemed more than we could bear. The truth is, we were never meant to bear those burdens alone. In Galatians 6:2, Paul writes, “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” During the times when a person’s life become cruel and they begin to stagger under the weight, it is the responsibility of every other member of the body of Christ to swoop down and be used of God to liberate that person from the relentless heaviness that threatens to engulf their soul.
Look around you today. Who do you know that is beginning to bend beneath a load of trouble and anxiety? Who is carrying the burden of a wounded heart? Who is enduring the ache of loss? Who is stumbling as they try to persist in their pursuit of Christ? Who needs words of strength and encouragement?
Answer those questions and then answer the most important one: How can I bear their burden?
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